262 Configuring APs
NN47250-500 (Version 03.01)
Valid characters in hostnames are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, periods ( . ), and hyphens ( - ).
Other characters are not supported.
If you use the host option, you must configure the network’s DNS server with address records that map the
hostnames in the list to the WSS IP addresses.
After receiving a DHCP Offer containing a valid string for option 43, a Distributed AP sends a unicast Find
WSS message to each WSS in the list. See “How a distributed AP contacts a WSS (DHCP-obtained address)”
on page 269 for a description of this process.
No configuration is required on the WSS itself.

AP parameters

Table 5 summarizes parameters that apply to individual APs, including dual-homing parameters. (For infor-
mation about parameters for individual radios, see “Configuring a radio profile” on page 312 and
“Configuring radio-specific parameters” on page 317.)

Table 5: Global AP parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
name Based on the port or
Distributed AP
connection number.
For example:
AP name.
bias high Setting an AP’s bias on a WSS to high causes the
switch to be preferred over switches with low bias,
for booting and managing the AP.
Note: Bias applies only to WSSs that are
indirectly attached to the AP through an
intermediate Layer 2 or Layer 3 network.
An AP always attempts to boot on AP
port 1 first, and if a WSS is directly
attached on AP port 1, the AP boots from
it regardless of the bias settings.
group None Named set of APs. WSS Software load-balances
user sessions among the access points in the group.
upgrade-firmware enable Automatic upgrade of boot firmware.
blink disable LED blink mode—blinking LEDs on an AP make
the AP visually easy to identify.