580 Configuring AAA for network users
NN47250-500 (Version 03.01)
aCreate a temporary service profile and configure a temporary, clear SSID on it:
WSS# set service-pr ofile tempsrvc
success: change accepted.
WSS# set service-profile tempsrvc ssid-name tempssid
success: change accepted.
WSS# set service-profile tempsrvc ssid-type clear
success: change accepted.
WSS# set service-profile tempsrvc auth-fallth r u web -p ort al
success: change accepted.
bCreate a temporary radio profile and map the temporary service profile to it:
WSS# set radio-profile temprad service-profile tempsrvc
success: change accepted.
cMap a radio to the temporary radio profile and enable it:
WSS# set ap 2 radio 1 radio-profile temprad mode enable
success: change accepted.
2From your PC, attempt to directly access the temporary SSID. The WSS serves the login page.
3In the browser, select File > Save As to save the login page.
4Delete the temporary SSID, along with the temporary service profile and radio profile you
created for it.
WSS# set ap 2 radio 1 radio-profile temprad mode disable
success: change accepted.
WSS# clear radio-profile temprad
success: change accepted.
WSS# clear service-profile tempsrvc
success: change accepted.
5Edit the login page:
aChange the page title:
<title>My Corp Web-based AAA</title>
bChange the logo:
<img src="mylogo.gif" width="143" height="65" border="0"
alt="Company Logo">
cChange the greeting:
<h3>Welcome to Mycorp’s Wireless LAN</h3>
dChange the warning statement if desired:
My corp’s warning text.