beaming 82, 97 billing information 43 Bluetooth devices
connecting to
Bluetooth icon 23, 61 Bluetooth status indicator 23 Bluetooth technology 97 border glow highlight 13 brightness icons (camera) 68, 69 brightness, adjusting 68, 69, 91 broadband connections 49 browsing files and folders 81
activating menus and 15 creating speed dial 33 editing speed dial 34 on
Calendar application managing schedules with 76 selecting views 75 starting 75 synchronizing with 67
calendar views 75
calendar, displaying 75 call waiting 31
call waiting notification window 31 callback number 56
caller ID blocking 30 caller ID pictures 38, 74 calling cards iv
calling Sprint Customer Service iii, vii calls. See phone calls
capturing videos with 69 location of
Camera icon 68
Cancel Bluetooth command 36 capitalization 17
Caps Lock 18 cautions 5
Center button (navigator) 11 Center/Select button 2, 3 Change passcode button 95 changing
contacts 75 information 66 lock codes 95 passwords vii
picture or video resolution 68, 69 speed dial buttons 34
text size 91 characters
capitalizing 17 entering 17
Index | 117 |