addresses adding email 53 entering message 55 multiple recipients 55 selecting email 13

adjusting screen brightness 91 adjusting volume, device ringer 3 Agenda view (calendar) 75 alarm 5


setting vibrating 91 tasks and 77 turning on and off 90

alert tones. See ringtones aligning the screen 92 Alt key 17, 97 Answer button 27 answering the phone 27, 31 antenna 6

Appearance page 93 applications

See also third-party applications accessing help for ii

closing 19 copying 85 downloading 87 installing 86–88

moving to expansion cards 85 opening 19, 84, 100

phone conversations and running 30 transferring information from 67 turning sounds on or off for 90

viewing main menus 15 appointments

adding 76

entering multiple 76 scheduling repeating 76 viewing 75

assistance iv, vii attachments

adding 54, 82 downloading 54 opening 54 receiving 54

audio 71

See also media files; music auto-keyguard feature 94 Auto-Keyguard settings 94 Auto-lock settings 95 automated invoicing information iv auto-off interval 97


back view (device) 4 backgrounds 70 backlight (keyboard) 17 Backspace key 17 battery

charging 8 inserting 7

viewing status of 8, 23 battery door release 4, 7 battery status icons 23 battery-charge indicators 8



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