Index 131
using 20
top view (device) 5
touchscreen lockout 94
information 98
media files 71
Transparency level list 70
Treo smart device
activating vi
as wireless modem 98
components on 2, 4, 5
components shipped v
connecting to power sources 8
features of ii
monitoring status of 21–23
online support for ii
setting up service for vii
turning on and off 9
trusted devices. See partnerships
trusted pairs. See partnerships
Turn on Bluetooth check box 62
turning off beeps and alarms 5
turning off system sounds 89
turning phone on and off 9
TV Guide 46
unauthorized users 95
Unknown Caller setting 37
smart device 95
unretrieved voicemail 29
Up button (navigator) 11
Update Library command 73
updates (smart device) iii
information 66, 97
media files 73
uppercase letters 17
USB connector 5
USB sync cable 5
user discussion groups ii
user names, Sprint PCS Vision accounts and 43
usernames 100
Vibrate when… check boxes 37, 91
vibrating alarm 89, 91
Video Mode command 69
adjusting volume for 38
changing resolution 69
recording 69
viewing 69
appointments 75
available applications 19
calendar 75
contacts 75
daily schedules 75
menus 15
notifications 91
pictures 69
status information 3, 21