synchronization settings
Cut command 61 Cut icon 37
cycling through calendar views 133
daily events 115
daily schedules 135, 136, 139 daily tasks 158, 160
data entry 19, 21
See also information defined 55
input areas for 42 methods for 40, 41, 261
databases 100
Date & Time Preferences screen 255, 257 date formats 259, 260
assigning to appointments 111, 115 assigning to repeating tasks 159, 160 changing 128, 193, 236
checking 234
displaying current 22, 238 displaying due 166 displaying in World Clock 244 entering current 53, 255, 258 flagging series of 118 incorrect 291
recording completion 166 reserving in calendar 113 resetting 255, 257 scheduling reminders for 66 selecting on calendar 111, 155
setting alarms for specific 127, 157, 180
setting due 155, 156
118, 128
setting sequence 260 sorting by 181
viewing scheduled 133, 136, 137, 138 viewing specific 137
Day View
displaying overlapping events in 139 scheduling appointments on 111 scheduling events for 113 selecting 135
setting display options for 126, 139, 141 setting timeframes for 143
Day View icon 111
Daylight Saving Time entry box 240 Daylight Savings settings 236 DBA files 100
Deactivate Keylock 19, 272 deadlines 113
decimal separators 260 Default Currency pick list 197 default settings
overwriting 88, 90 restoring 253 selecting 84
Default View pick list 140 delays 221, 271
after reset 291 Delete command 106 Delete Contact dialog box 73 Delete dialog box 106 Delete Event command 130 Delete Event dialog box 130
Delete icon 37
Delete Item command 199 Delete Memo command 173 Delete Memo dialog box 173 Delete Note command 182 Delete Task command 163 Delete Task dialog box 163 deleting
applications 106 appointments 130 categories 227 connections 273, 276 contacts 73 desktop software 7 events
memos 173 notes 182 passwords 218 private entries 218 tasks
description fields 111, 112 deselecting options 24
Desktop overwrites handheld option 88 desktop software
See also Palm Desktop software downloading 17
overwriting information in 88, 90 removing old 7
updating device from 88, 90 desktop software, installing 25
Palm® Z22 Handheld | 317 |