Details dialog box 229, 278 | personal calendars 110 |
devices 273 | schedules 133, 135, 137, 138 |
tasks 133, 140, 161, 165, 166 | |
dialing in to networks 273 | World Clock 27, 244 |
dialing preferences 277 | do’s and don’ts 280 |
Dialing setting (connections) 277 | documentation xiii |
dialog boxes 24, 34 | down arrow controls 23 |
See also specific | downloading |
additional software 17 | |
digitizer (defined) 267 | applications 93 |
disabling options 24 | drained batteries 289 |
disconnecting USB sync cable 294 | drawing freehand 176 |
disk space requirements 3 | |
Display Options command 140, 247 | due dates 155, 156, 160, 166 |
Display Options dialog box | Duplicate Contact command 71 |
calendar 140 | duplicating contact information 67, 71 |
clock 244 | duration 112 |
Home screen 247 | E |
display preferences 247, 249, 252 | |
display See screen | eBooks 26 |
displaying | Edit Categories command 161 |
application groups 228 | Edit Categories dialog box 124, 125, 225, |
applications 231 | 227 |
appointments 133, 136, 137, 138 | Edit Connection dialog box 274 |
calculators 26 | Edit currencies command 195 |
Category pick list 141, 142 | Edit List dialog box 239, 241 |
contact information 69, 74 | Edit menu 60, 61 |
current date and time 238 | editing 59, 171, 177, 181 |
events 126, 142, 143 | See also changing |
expense reports 26 | electrostatic discharge |
expenses 201 | emergency information 225 |
hidden or masked entries 213 | empty screen 290 |
information 19, 231 | enabling buttons and controls 263 |
memos 171 | entering |
notes 181 | current date and time 53, 255, 258 |
information 40, 41,
entering information 21 entries See information entry fields 23, 24 eraser 177
eReader 26
error messages 297 errors xiv
ESD (electrostatic discharge)
See also appointments; Calendar application
Event Details dialog box 128 events
adding to calendar 111 adjusting for location 255 archiving 130, 131, 132 beaming 188 categorizing 112, 188, 225 changing descriptions 128 changing time zones for 121 changing untimed 114
contact information and 66 creating multiday 118 creating untimed 113, 118 defined 111
defining repeating 115, 116 deleting
Palm® Z22 Handheld | 318 |