locking 272 navigator 32
not responding 19, 262, 281, 290 opening applications from 31 reassigning application 253 restoring defaults for 253 selecting dialog box 34 tapping command 24
Buttons Preferences screen 253
Calculator application 26 benefits of 204 buttons described 205 categorizing with Expense 225 copying and pasting from 206 displaying calculation history 206
Calculator icon 26 calculators 26 calculators (preinstalled)
See also Calculator application calendar
See also Calendar application adding appointments to 111 changing events on 128 changing repeat intervals for 128
displaying appointments for 133, 136, 137, 138
displaying conflicting events in 141
entering birthdays for 66
finding overlapping events on 139 opening 145
purging old events 132 reserving dates 113 scrolling through 137, 138 selecting dates on 111
setting repeat intervals for 116, 117, 118 Calendar application
121, 123, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 135, 137, 138, 140, 143, 234
related topics for 146
saving information for 112, 130, 132 scheduling events 111, 113, 118 selecting dates on 155
setting alarms from 144, 243 setting display options 139,
Calendar icon 25
Calendar Preferences dialog box 127, 143 calendar views 135, 137, 138 calibration 267
canceled actions 35 canceled appointments 130 canceled tasks 163
capitalization 43, 51, 170 categories
adding 225 beaming 188 benefits of 224 changing 128
placing information in different 229 related topics for 232
renaming 226 selecting 188
categorizing applications 225, 230 contacts 74, 225, 229 events 112, 188, 225 expenses 194, 200, 201, 225 information 224, 228 memos 225
notes 177
tasks 155, 161, 166 Category command 230 Category dialog box 230 category lists See Category pick list category marker 134, 141 Category pick list
displaying events on 126 opening 141
placing entries on 229
removing calendar events from 227 cautions 281, 289
Change Repeat dialog box 116, 159 Change your synchronization option 10, 295
Palm® Z22 Handheld | 314 |