starting HotSync manager 25 static electricity 280,
information searches 38 slide shows 149
stylus 21, 43, 280
switching between applications 10, 31, 295 symbols 51, 52, 55, 64
entering 263 synchronization
customizing settings for
entering information and 96 installing applications and 92 related topics for 17
synchronization methods 81 synchronization options 83 synchronization software 10, 107, 295 synchronizing
applications 86, 296 backing up information 79 caution for 107 handheld 218 information
with Microsoft Outlook 10, 87, 107, 295, 296
with user profiles 11, 14, 16 system requirements 2 System Sound pick list 268
application titles 36 arrow icons 23 check boxes 24 command buttons 24 entry boxes 24 Graffiti 2 writing and 42 menu items 36 problems with 281, 290, 292 screen elements 22, 263, 267
Task Preferences dialog box 156, 165 tasks
See also Tasks application adding contact information to 72 adding notes to 155
adding to Tasks list 165 archiving 163, 164
assigning due dates to 155, 156, 160 categorizing 155, 161, 166 changing date due 166 combining with appointments 110 completing 162
creating 155 deleting
displaying 133, 140, 161, 165, 166 entering from Outlook 10, 295 managing 154
marking as private 155 organizing 161 prioritizing 155, 166 reordering 166 saving 155, 163, 164 scheduling repeating 157, 159 setting alarms for 156, 166 setting repeat intervals for 158, 160
viewing due dates for 166 viewing overdue 166
Tasks application
adding tasks 155, 157, 159 categorizing information in 225 getting help with 167 importing information for 100 marking completed tasks 162 opening 25
overview 154 related topics for 168 saving information for 164 saving information in 155 securing contents 210 setting display options for 161 setting preferences for
Tasks icon 25
Tasks list 133, 161, 163, 165 TDA files 100
technical assistance xv, 17, 307 Technical Support office 307 technical terms xv
telephone numbers See phone numbers text
adjusting fade setting for 248 changing color of 140, 252 changing screen fonts for 249 entering 41, 55
entering abbreviations for 265 resizing 171
searching for 38 selecting 38, 59
viewing against photos 140
Palm® Z22 Handheld | 327 |