Pelco Manual C1977M-D (6/02) [ 35 ]
Table B. General Settings (continued)
Configuration Default
Item Settings Description
Mail reply none Similar to the name field. The recipient of the e-mail will
address identify the sender of the e-mail by this entry.
Multicast Group IP This is the Multicast IP Address. (Network hard–
ware–such as switches, hubs, routers, etc.–must
support the multicasting protocol, ICMP.) This field
sets PelcoNet to use the multicasting protocol,
which makes for a more efficient use of bandwidth.
Enable Multlink off When set to “on,” this setting allows the PelcoNet
H.323 unit to support five simultaneous live video
Enable Multicast off This setting, in conjunction with the two previous
Streaming settings, can allow an unlimited number of live video
connections. The Enable Multilink H.323 field, as
well as this field, must both be set “on” for this to
Multicast Audio Port 50000 This setting designates the TCP/IP port PelcoNet
uses for audio when using the multicasting protocol.
Multicast Video Port 60000 This setting designates the TCP/IP port PelcoNet
uses for video when using the multicasting protocol.
Date n/a System date, driven by the internal real-time clock.
The day-of-week need not be entered and will be
automatically adjusted based on the given date.
Time n/a System time, driven by the internal real-time clock.
Hardware n/a Read-only version number of the hardware. Con-
tains unique serial number, type of hardware, and
Software n/a Read-only firmware version number. Important infor-
mation should you need technical support.
Firmware n/a Enter the name of the file containing new firmware;
update clicking the upload button will upload the firmware
and install it on the system.
Configuration n/a For saving the current configuration of the PelcoNet
download Transmission System to a PC file.
Configuration n/a Reverse operation. The configuration can be overwritten
upload by the configuration stored in the named file.
When password protection is on, as described in Table B, the program will display the following password
screen if any attempt is made to configure the unit (that is, selecting one of the configuration pages).