Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation Appendix A

CDR 103

Disc is not ISO 9660

or High Sierra

This means the disc is probably not a High Sierra or ISO 9660 format. Either High Sierra or ISO 9660 is required to work with Microsoft Extensions (MSCDEX).

1. Verify that the disc is High Sierra or ISO 9660 format and that it is not an Audio Disc.

2. Check and make sure the disc has not been damaged or scratched and that it does not have alot of finger prints on it. This could keep the Pioneer Changer from reading the disc properly.

3. Verify that the Pioneer Changer is functioning properly. Refer to Pioneer Technical Bulletin #168 to run a Self-Test on the unit. Refer to Pioneer Technical Bulletin #169 to run an Audio Play test.

4. This message may be caused by a termination problem. Make sure both ends of the SCSI chain are terminated. The SCSI interface card is considered the first device on the chain and typically is terminated by the manufacturer. If the Pioneer Changer is the only device on the chain or if it is the last device in a chain, make sure termination is ON. If it is in the middle of a SCSI chain, turn termination OFF. See Hardware Instructions for setting termination.






Device driver




This means the system could not

not found




find a device driver name or path





during boot up.






1.Check the Config.Sys and verify that the correct driver for your interface card has been loaded into a directory on the computer’s hard drive. Make sure the device driver is in the path specified in the Config.Sys. Make sure the path exists, the driver is in the path and the name is labeled correctly.


Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual