Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation

BUSY light Flashes

at one-second


1. This is a visual indicator from the drive that something is wrong with the drive, affecting its ability to perform. It may be a mechanical problem. Or, the drive may be in test mode.

2. Make sure the switch for Test Mode is DOWN/OFF. Refer to Operating Instructions. For almost all DOS applications, only the terminator switch on the DRM-602X should be up. All others on the DRM602X and all switches on the DRM604X should be down.

3. Verify that the Pioneer Changer is functioning properly. Refer to TB #168 to run a Self-Test on the unit and to TB #169 to run an Audio Play test. These documents are available as 32 169 & 32 170 on the Pioneer LaserFacts System; see Appendix F.

Boot problems or the

unit only accesses

Drive D

1. It you are not booting from a SCSI hard drive using this SCSI interface card card, and if there is a boot ROM on the interface card, the boot ROM should be removed or disabled using software options.

2. If booting from a SCSI Hard drive, make sure the SCSI IDs do not conflict and that termination on the SCSI interface card is disabled. Consult documentation for interface card manufacturer.

NOTE: The hard drive should be terminated as the first device on the chain and if the the Pioneer Changer is the only other device on the line, it should also be terminated.

Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
