Green Value | Type in the green color value that is used when determining a packet’s input color | |
(for Color Aware mode) or remarking a packet’s output color as green. Valid value | ||
| is 0 ~ 7 for VLAN Priority color field or 0 ~ 63 for DSCP color field. | |
| |
Yellow Value | Type in the yellow color value that is used when determining a packet’s input | |
color (for Color Aware mode) or remarking a packet’s output color as yellow. Valid | ||
| value is 0 ~ 7 for VLAN Priority color field or 0 ~ 63 for DSCP color field. | |
| |
Red Value | Type in the red color value that is used when remarking a packet’s output color as | |
red. Valid value is 0 ~ 7 for VLAN Priority color field or 0 ~ 63 for DSCP color field. | ||
| ||
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