# reset password
Password has been successfully reset.
Available commands:
showShow system information.
reset passwordReset the administrator's password to default. set lan1 static <ip address> netmask <ip mask> [gw <gateway address>]
Config LAN1 IP address.
rebootRestart system.
help or ?Show this message.
Reset Password
and press Enter.
Polycom RSS 2000 User’s Guide
Help Information
After you log in to the system, in the prompt line (#), type ? or Help.
# ?
Available comands:
showShow system information.
reset passwordReset the administrator's password to default. set lan1 static <ip address> netmask <ip mask> [gw <gateway address>]
Config LAN1 IP address.
rebootRestart system.
help or ?Show this message.
To log off the system, in the prompt line (#), type quit and then press Enter.
# quit
User logout ok.
Please input your password:
System Reset
To reboot the system, in the prompt line (#), type Reboot and press Enter. the system will reset automatically.
# reboot
System is restarting now.... # .................................................
Change Login Password
You can reset your password to the default password (Polycom). To reset password, in the prompt line (#), type