Polycom RSS 2000 User’s Guide
After setting relevant property items for the endpoint, click the Save key to save the settings and complete the modification, or click the Back key to cancel the settings and return to the Endpoint page.
Delete Endpoints
You can click the Delete button to delete existing endpoints from the Endpoint page. To delete endpoints, first select one or more endpoints to delete, or select Delete All to delete all existing endpoints, as shown in Fig.
Fig. 4-26 Select Delete All
Then click the Delete button, and a dialog box pops out asking whether to delete the endpoint(s). Select OK to delete the endpoint(s), or select Cancel to cancel the delete operation.
Note: | You can select all endpoints by selecting the Select All check box, the first check |
| box under the Add key on the Endpoint page. |
Users Management
On the User Management page, you can perform operations including adding users, modifying user properties and deleting users.
Add Users
Click the New button on the User Management page to go to the Add Users page, as shown in Fig.