Pressure Systems, Inc.

98RK-1 & 9816 User’s Manual©




Finish the Multi-Point Calibration function previously started (as indicated by the previous examples of 'C' sub-commands ‘00’ and ‘01’). Calculate new adjustment coefficients, and save them in the non-volatile memory of the module’s transducers. These new coefficients will then be used for all subsequently calculated EU data acquired by the module, until another calibration function is performed in the future.

C 02” “w08” “w09

Read responses (separately for each command executed above):




If an error (“N”) response is returned on the first command, either the correct number of calibration points (per ‘00’ sub-command) were not supplied with reasonable pressure data values (via the multiple ‘01’ sub-commands), or the collected data yielded new calculated coefficients with unreasonable values.

If execution of the last two 'w' commands is skipped above, the new calibration data obtained will be stored only in volatile storage, and will be available for use only until the module is RESET or loses power.

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Pressure Systems 98RK-1 user manual 02 w08 w09