Select 120-dpi Graphics
Select 120-dpi Graphics
ASCII Code ESC Y nL nH d1 d2 … dk
Hex Code 1B 59 nL nH d1 d2 … dk
Dec Code 27 89 nL nH d1 d2 … dk
Purpose Prints
nL , nH Specifies the total number of columns (k) of graphics data.
k= ((nH x 256) + nL)
d1 … dk Bytes of graphic data
0 <= nL <= 255
0 <= nH <= 31
0 <= d <= 255
Comment The ESC * 2 command is identical to this command.
Select 240-dpi Graphics
ASCII Code ESC Z nL nH d1 d2 … dk
Hex Code 1B 5A nL nH d1 d2 … dk
Dec Code 27 90 nL nH d1 d2 … dk
Purpose Prints
nL, nH Specifies the total number of columns (k) of graphics data.
k = ((nH x 256) + nL)
d1 … dk Bytes of graphic data
0 <= nL <= 255
0 <= nH <= 31
0 <= d <= 255
Comment The ESC * 3 command is identical to this command.