Psion Teklogix netBook, 32M/64M manual Scientific calculations, Percentage calculations

Models: 32M/64M netBook

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Percentage calculations

Use % on the Desk calculator to perform percentage calculations.

To calculate 40% of 60: enter 60×40, then tap %.

To increase 60 by 40%: enter 60+40, then tap %.

To decrease 60 by 40%: enter 60-40, then tap %.

To calculate what % 60 is of 200: enter 60÷200, then tap %.

To find the number that 60 is 40% of: enter 60÷40, then tap %.

You can use a combination of the memory and the % facility for, say, tax calculations. If you have the rate of taxation stored in the memory, you can quickly add or deduct the tax from any number:

To add the tax to a number: enter the number and tap +. Tap MR and then %.

To deduct the tax from a number: repeat the above, using - instead of +.

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Scientific calculations

To perform a calculation in the Scientific view:

1.Use the number, operator and function buttons to enter your calculation. Enter scientific functions in the order you would write them down. For example, tap log BEFORE entering the number you want to find the log of, but tap x2 AFTER entering the number you want to square.

2.Tap = or press Enter to get the result.

Tap the Shortcuts button in the Toolbar to display a list of shortcut keypresses.

To clear the calculator display: tap AC or press Esc.

To remove the item immediately to the left of the cursor: press Delete.

You can position the cursor anywhere on the calculation line using the pen or the arrow keys.

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Psion Teklogix netBook Scientific calculations, Percentage calculations, To perform a calculation in the Scientific view