addr (required) The base I/O address of the
irq (required) The interrupt level (IRQ) of the
C(optional) Drive SYNC input of SCC channel A with the Remote Loopback bit of Communications Register (see page 39). If this parameter is omitted, the SYNC input of SCC channel A will be undefined.
4.Save the CONFIG.SYS file, exit the text editor, shutdown the system, and reboot to activate the changes.
5.2.1Tying a configuration to a particular socket
A configuration can be made specific to a socket by appending "=Sx" after the closing parenthesis, where "X" is the desired socket number.
5.2.2Auto Fallback configuration
OS/2 Card Services is capable of automatically determining a configuration for a PCMCIA device, but due to limitations in Quatech's "Syncdrive" driver software, the client driver does not support this feature. This support is planned for a future release of both the client driver and Syncdrive.
5.2.3Hot Swapping
The client driver supports "hot swapping." After installation, it is not necessary for the