6/MNO — enters a 6, or inputs characters M, N, or O.

7/PQRS — enters a 7, or inputs characters P, Q, R, or S.

8/TUV — enters an 8, or inputs characters T, U, or V.

9/WXYZ — enters a 9, or inputs characters W, X, Y, or Z.

0 — enters a zero, or inputs characters . - # _ @ + * & / , $ % ! ^ ( ) ? ’ .

./DELAY — enters a decimal point (necessary when programming frequencies), space, or programs delay time for the selected channel/search bank, or hyphen (in trunking ID setting).

CLR — clears an incorrect entry.





AV-Scanner folder contains a complete, stored configuration profile of your scanner’s programming. Certain current scanner models allow the user to load, save and edit different scanner configurations using an interface cable, software and a personal computer. The PRO-96 V-Scanner feature extends this functionality by allowing you to store or recall up to eleven scanner configurations in V- Scanner folders on your scanner, without using a personal computer. You can use the V-