Save to V-Scanner: 1 ENTER if YES My V-Scanner

Save to V-Scanner: 1


Saving to V-Scanner: 1 Please Wait

Load from V-Scanner: ENTER if YES CL to EXIT

Load from V-Scanner: 1 ENTER if YES My V-Scanner

assume you are saving to V- Scanner folder 1, and have previously stored a V-Scanner configuration with the name “My V-Scanner” in that location. If you choose V- Scanner Folder 1, the scanner will display:

Press ENTER to accept the choice, another number key to change your selection, or CLR to abort and return to the V-Scanner menu. The scanner gives you one final opportunity to abort before proceeding:

Press ENTER to confirm your choice and proceed with the V-Scanner save operation.

While saving, the scanner will display:

The contents of the selected V-Scanner folder will be replaced with your current working memory data.

4.To load the contents of a V- Scanner folder to the scanner’s working memory, press 2. The scanner will display:

Press the number key that corresponds with the V- Scanner folder you wish to load into the scanner’s working memory, or press CLR to return to the V- Scanner menu. If you select a V-Scanner folder, the scanner will prompt you to verify your choice. For example, if you