working memory configuration. If for any reason your scanner’s working memory is accidentally altered or lost, you can recall the backup configuration data from the V-Scanner folder.

There will be an approximately 13 second pause after you select the desired V-Scanner and press the ENTER key to confirm your choice when saving or loading V-Scanner data. During this period the scanner is transferring V-Scanner data to or from working memory. It is important not to interrupt power to the scanner while this is taking place. Loss of power while performing V-Scanner operations may result in lost data. The scanner will not allow you to perform a V-Scanner operation when a low battery condition exists. If you attempt to perform a V-Scanner operation with low battery power, the scanner will display:


You may find that the audio level varies greatly among different users on digital systems that you monitor. Many analog conventional and trunked radio systems include components with automatic gain control to help normalize the audio levels of analog transmissions in the system. Digital radio systems typically do not include any automatic gain control functionality and tend to reproduce a user’s voice audio signal more faithfully with regard to audio levels. This


Battery Low
