❒When sending a fax, the image out- put at the other end depends on the size and orientation of paper used in the receiver's terminal. If the receiver does not use paper of the same size and orientation as that of the origi- nal, the fax image may be reduced in
size, trimmed at both edges, or di-
2 vided into two or more sheets. When sending an important original, we recommend you ask the receiver about the size and orientation of the paper used in their terminal.
❒Make sure that all ink, correcting fluid etc., has completely dried be- fore placing your original. If it is still wet, the exposure glass will be marked and those marks will ap- pear on the received image.
❒If you place an A4Lor 81/2"⋅11"L size original in the portrait orienta- tion, the machine rotates the image by 90 degrees before sending. See p.33 “Transmission with Image Rotation”, Facsimile Reference <Ad- vanced Features> .
❒You can send the first pages from the exposure glass then the remaining pages from the ADF or ARDF. After you have removed the last page from the exposure glass, insert the remain- ing pages in the ADF or ARDF, and then press the {Start} key.
❒When using the Internet Fax func- tion, documents transmitted are sent at A4 size. Documents larger than A4 are reduced to A4 width.
For how to place
For acceptable types of originals, see p.112 “Acceptable Types of Originals”, Facsimile Reference <Ad- vanced Features> .
Placing a Single Original on the Exposure Glass
Place originals that cannot be placed in the optional ADF or ARDF, such as a book, on the exposure glass one page at a time.
A Lift the exposure glass cover or the ADF or ARDF by at least 30 degrees. Note
❒If you do not lift the exposure glass cover or the ADF or ARDF by at least 30 degrees, the origi- nal size will not be detected.
B Place the original face down and align its upper left corner with the reference mark at the upper left corner of the exposure glass.
1.Positioning mark2.Left ScaleC Lower the exposure glass cover or the ADF or ARDF. Note
❒When setting a bound original, the received image may contain some black areas. To reduce this effect, hold down the original to prevent the bound part from rising.