Searching for a Destination

E Enter an e-mail address to search for.
H Select the e-mail address to specify using {U} or {T}.


"Entering Text", General SettingsGuide


You can search with a part of the e-mail address. However, you must enter a number from top for beginning matching.

If you enter a wrong e-mail ad- dress, press {W}, {V} or the {Clear/Stop} key, and then enter the address again.

F Press the {OK} key.

[Search by E-mail Address] confirmation display appears.

G Press the {OK} key.

Search result appears.


If no destination is matched for sp ecified e - mail a ddress, "Specified destination is not programmed." is dis- played. Press [Exit] to return to the display of C.


I Press the {OK} key.

T he destina tion which you searched is specified.


Press [Add Dest] to specify other destinations.