Using Internet Fax Functions
Internet Fax Precautions
•Internet Fax communicates with a server over a LAN. It cannot communicate directly with other parties.
•If a transmission is not successful, this machine usually receives an
3 | • The level of security for Internet communications is low. We recommend you |
use the telephone network for confidential communications. |
•Voice communication is not supported over a LAN.
•Internet Fax delivery might be delayed due to network congestion. Use a standard fax whenever communication is time sensitive.
•If you use this machine with
Functions Not Supported by E-mail Transmission
The following functions are supported with standard fax transmission, but not with Internet Faxing.
•Immediate Transmission
•Chain Dial
•On Hook Dial
•Manual Dial
•JBIG Transmission
•Batch Transmission
•ECM (Error Correction Mode)
Functions Not Supported by E-mail Reception
The following functions are supported with standard fax reception, but not with Internet Faxing.
•Memory Lock Reception
•Authorized Reception