Transmitting Internet Fax

Transmitting Internet Fax


You need to make System Settings beforehand. See “Setting Up the Machine on a Network”, Network Guide.

This section describes how to scan a document into the memory and send it as e-mail. Specify the destination's e-mail address instead of fax number.

You can send Internet Fax documents only with Memory Transmission. If you specify Immediate Transmission in Internet Fax, the "Try again af-

ter switching to memory trans-

mission." message appears. When this happens, press [Exit], and then switch to Memory Transmission.

When sending documents, you can set e-mail options using [TX Mode].

You can set the following options:

Attach Subject

Allows you to enter a subject for the document you want to send.


For convenience, program fre- quently-used subject. "Urgent", and "High" are programmed as default. See "Settings You Can Change with User Tools - File Transfer", Network Guide.

You can enter up to 64 charac- ters in total.

If you send e-mail without set- ting a subject in "E-mail Options" under "TX Mode", the subject is automatically inserted. For more details about how a subject is au- tomatically inserted, see p.53 “About the E-mail Subject”.

You cannot send a subject only as e-mail without an original.

Return Receipt

You can confirm sent documents were properly received using e- mail or Journal.


If power outage lasts about an hour, or the machine is disconnect-

ed from the power outlet for about


an hour, documents stored in the fax machine's memory are deleted. If any document is deleted, the Power Failure Report is automatically printed out when the main power switch is turned on. Use this report to check which documents were deleted. Simply turning off the power by pressing the Operation switch does not delete stored documents. See p.102 “Turning Off the Main Power/In Case of a Power Failure”, Facsimile Reference <Advanced Features> .

You may not be able to send large files as e-mail, depending on e- mail environment conditions.

The level of security for Internet communications is low. Use of the telephone network is recommend- ed for confidential communica- tions.


When available memory is low, you may not be able to send the In- ternet Faxes.


Because the machine sends docu- ments as e-mail messages with an attached TIFF-F image, viewer ap- plications are required in order to view documents when they are re- ceived on a computer.