| Problem | Causes and solutions | Reference |
| When using On Hook Dial or | If the machine fails to detect | p.18 “If the Machine Cannot |
| Manual Dial, "Receiving" | the size of the original when | Detect the Size of Your Origi- |
| appears and transmission is | the {Start} key is pressed, it | nal” |
| not allowed. | performs a receiving opera- |
| tion. |
| All fax messages stored in | When about one hour passes | p.102 “Turning Off the Main |
| memory have been lost. Those | after power of the machine is | Power/In Case of a Power |
| messages include ones stored | turned off, all fax messages | Failure”, Facsimile Reference |
| through Memory Transmis- | stored in memory are lost. If | <Advanced Features> |
| sion/Reception or Substitute | any messages have been lost |
| Reception. | for this reason, a Power Fail- |
| ure Report is automatically |
| printed when the machine is |
| turned on. If fax messages |
| stored for Memory Transmis- |
| sion have been lost, check the |
| destinations and resend the |
| messages. If fax messages re- |
5 |
| |
| ceived through Memory or |
| |
| Substitute Reception have |
| been lost, ask the senders to |
| resend the messages. |
| Transmission failed due to | If the | p.73 |
| "Exceeded max. E- | the machine is exceeded, an | ile Reference <Advanced Fea- |
| mail size" error. | Internet Fax document cannot | tures> |
| be sent. Set Max. |
| to OFF, or specify the maxi- |
| mum |
| value. Then, resend the docu- |
| ment. |
| Other fax machine's name is | When a destination is pro- |
| not correctly printed or dis- | grammed in the Address |
| played. | Book using SmartDeviceMon- |
| itor for Admin or Web brows- |
| er, in some languages, the |
| programmed destination may |
| not print or display correctly. |
| When this happens, use ASCII |
| characters (for example: |
| 9). |