



Causes and solutions









When using On Hook Dial or

If the machine fails to detect

p.18 “If the Machine Cannot



Manual Dial, "Receiving"

the size of the original when

Detect the Size of Your Origi-



appears and transmission is

the {Start} key is pressed, it




not allowed.

performs a receiving opera-














All fax messages stored in

When about one hour passes

p.102 “Turning Off the Main



memory have been lost. Those

after power of the machine is

Power/In Case of a Power



messages include ones stored

turned off, all fax messages

Failure”, Facsimile Reference



through Memory Transmis-

stored in memory are lost. If

<Advanced Features>



sion/Reception or Substitute

any messages have been lost





for this reason, a Power Fail-





ure Report is automatically





printed when the machine is





turned on. If fax messages





stored for Memory Transmis-





sion have been lost, check the





destinations and resend the





messages. If fax messages re-








ceived through Memory or





Substitute Reception have





been lost, ask the senders to





resend the messages.









Transmission failed due to

If the e-mail size specified on

p.73 “E-mail Settings”, Facsim-



"Exceeded max. E-

the machine is exceeded, an

ile Reference <Advanced Fea-



mail size" error.

Internet Fax document cannot





be sent. Set Max. E-mail Size





to OFF, or specify the maxi-





mum e-mail size to a larger





value. Then, resend the docu-














Other fax machine's name is

When a destination is pro-




not correctly printed or dis-

grammed in the Address





Book using SmartDeviceMon-





itor for Admin or Web brows-





er, in some languages, the





programmed destination may





not print or display correctly.





When this happens, use ASCII





characters (for example: a-z, 0-




