Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Functions

F Set the Transfer Request's infor- mation.To register the Transfer Request name and key displayA Press [Change] under TransferRequest Name or Key Display.

The name entry display ap- pears.

B Enter the Transfer Request name or key display, and then press [OK].


p.149 “Entering Text”


To select the title

A To associate a Transfer Request name with a title, press the title key under Select Title.


The keys you can select are as follows:

[Freq.]… Added to the page that is displayed first.

[AB], [CD], [EF], [GH], [IJK], [LMN], [OPQ], [RST], [UVW],

[XYZ], [1] to [10]… Added to the list of items in the selected title.

You can select [Freq.] and one more page for each title.

G Press [Fax Dest.].

H Enter the items. See step G on p.80 “Registering a Fax Destination”.

I Press [E-mail].J Enter the items. See p.88 “Regis- tering an E-mail Destination”.K Press [IP-Fax].

L Enter the items. See steps I - J on p.84 “Registering an IP-Fax Desti- nation”.

M Press [Receiving Statn.].N Specify the Receiving Stations.


When specifying the Receiving Stations, use the numbers stored in Quick Dial keys, or Groups in the Transfer Station.

Quick DialAPress [qQuick Dial].

BEnter the number stored in the Quick Dial of the Transfer Sta- tion using the number keys

For example, to select the desti- nation stored in Quick Dial 01 of

the Transfer Station, enter


CTo specify an additional Re- ceiving Station, press [Add].Speed DialAPress [qpSpeed Dial].BEnter the Speed Dial number using the number keys.

For example, to select the desti- nation stored in Speed Dial 12 of

the Transfer Station, enter
