Transmission Options

Transmission Options

This section describes various functions that you can switch on and off for any particular transmission, following the procedures given here.

Standard Message Stamp


Use this function to stamp a standard message at the top of the first original sent.

There are four types of standard messages: “Confidential”, “Urgent”, “Please phone”, and “Copy to corres. section”

You can also program other messages.


While this function is in use, the third line of the Label Insertion is not printed.

When there is an image around the area where the standard message is to be stamped, that image is deleted.

Program a standard message in “Program / Change / Delete Standard Mes- sage” in the Facsimile Features menu. See “Facsimile Features”, General Set- tings Guide.

A Place the originals, and then select the scan settings you require. B Press [TX Mode].

C Press [Option Setting].

D Press [Standard Message].