Other Transmission Features


You can program one of the Quick Operation keys with operations for this

function. Using the Quick Operation key allows you to omit step B and step C.


p.100 “Setting SUB Codes for Transmission”


p.262 “Programs”


“Facsimile Features”, General Settings Guide

“Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Functions”, General Settings Guide

SEP Code Reception

Enable this function to perform SEP Code Reception.


This function is not available with Internet Fax.

To perform SEP Code Reception, a SEP Code must be set in [Adv.Features], the Address Book, or Keystroke Programs in advance. Otherwise, even if “SEP Code Reception” is set to on, reception is not performed. If the other party's fax machine has a polling transmission function, the machine performs poll- ing reception.

When you select a destination that has a registered SEP Code from the Ad- dress Book, if “SEP Code Reception” is set to off, the SEP Code is not append- ed and transmission is in standard fax mode.

A Place the original, and then select the scan settings you require. B Press [TX Mode].

C Select [Option Setting].