When a Message Is Displayed

When a Message Is Displayed

This section describes the machine's main messages. If other messages appear, follow their instructions.











Put original

Original jammed during Memo-

Place originals that have not been



back, check it

ry Transmission.

scanned on the exposure glass or



and press


ADF again.


















Error occurred,

A document jam or an error oc-

Press [OK], and then resend the


and transmis-

curred during Immediate

pages that have not been sent. If the



sion was can-

Transmission. There may be a

error reoccurs frequently, contact




problem with the machine or

your service representative.



the telephone line (for example









noise or cross talk).









Cannot detect

The machine failed to detect the

Place original again, and then press



original size.

size of the original.

the {Start} key.



Place original





again, then





press [Start].










L Call Service

There is a problem with the fax.

Record the code number shown in





the display and contact your ser-




vice representative. Other func-



problems with





tions can be used.











Please call ser-















Memory is full.

The memory is full.

If you press [Exit], the machine re-



Cannot scan


turns to standby mode and starts



more. Transmit-


transmitting the stored pages.



ting only


Check the pages that have not been



scanned pages.


sent using the Communication Re-





sult Report, and then resend those













Remove the paper

The Internal Tray 1 is full.

Remove the paper. If the other tray



from Internal


is also full, the tray name shown in



Tray 1.


the display changes. Remove pa-





per from the tray indicated in the




