Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function













Cannot add any

The maximum number of

The maximum number of modes that



more scanning

registerable scan modes

can be stored is 99. Delete unneeded




has been exceeded.









Cannot specify

The maximum number

The maximum number of scanning ar-



any more scanning

of registerable scan areas

eas that can be stored is 99. Delete un-




has been exceeded.

needed scanning area.








Call Service

An unrecoverable error

Contact your service representative.



Please call your

has occurred in the ma-




service represen-















Scanner is not

The TWAIN scanner

Contact your service representative.



available on the

function cannot be used




specified device.

on this machine.









Scanner is not

• The machine's main

• Set the main power switch to “On”.



available. Check

power switch is off.

• Check whether the machine is con-



the scanner con-

• The machine is not

nected to the network correctly.



nection status.

connected to the net-

• Deactivate the personal firewall of




work correctly.

the client computer.









• Use an application such as telnet to





make sure SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 is





set as the machine’s protocol. See





“Network Settings”, General Set-





tings Guide and “Using telnet”, Net-





work Guide.








Cannot find the

• The machine's main

• Set the main power switch to “On”.



scanner. Check if

power switch is off.

• Check whether the machine is con-



the scanner main

• The machine is not

nected to the network correctly.



power is on.

connected to the net-

• Deactivate the personal firewall of




work correctly.

the client computer.









• Use an application such as telnet to





make sure SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 is





set as the machine’s protocol. See





“Network Settings”, General Set-





tings Guide and “Using telnet”, Net-





work Guide.








No response from

The machine is not con-

Check whether the machine is connect-



the scanner.

nected to the network

ed to the network correctly.













No response from

The network is crowded.

Wait for a while, and then try to reconnect.



the scanner.










Error has oc-

The application-speci-

Check whether the scanning settings



curred in the

fied scan conditions have

made with the application exceed the




exceeded the setting

setting range of the machine.




range of the machine.