Other Printing Problems




















It takes a long time to

Photographs and oth-

If the Data In indicator is blinking, data has been



complete a print job.

er data intensive pag-

received by the printer. Wait for a moment.




es take a long time for

Changing the following settings with the print-




the machine to pro-

er driver may help speed up printing:




cess, so simply wait









when printing such

PCL 5e





Select the lower value for [Resolution] on the









[Print Quality] tab in the printer properties di-





alog box.





PostScript 3





Select the lower value in [Resolution]. The lo-





cation of this setting is given below. If your





operating system is Windows, select [Post-





Script (optimize for speed)] in [PostScript Output





Option]. [PostScript Output Option] is located as










• Windows 95 / 98 / Me






[Print Quality] tab in the printer properties






dialog box.





• Windows 2000 / XP, Windows 2003












[PostScript Output Option] in [PostScript Op-






tions] on [Advanced...] on [Layout] tab in






the printing preferences dialog box.





Windows NT 4.0






[File] on [Advanced...] on [Document De-






faults] tab in the printing preferences di-






alog box.





Mac OS 9.x






[Printer Specifications] in the print dialog











Mac OS X






[Set 3] tab in [Printer Features] in the print






dialog box.





If you use Windows, select [PostScript (opti-





mize for speed)].





• Windows 95 / 98 / Me






[PostScript output format:] on the [Post-






Script] tab in the printer properties dia-






log box.





• Windows 2000 / XP, Windows Server












[PostScript Output Option] in [PostScript Op-






tions] on [Advanced...] on [Layout] tab in






the printing preferences dialog box.





Windows NT 4.0






[File] on [Document Defaults] on [Ad-






vanced...] tab in the printing preferences






dialog box.