Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function







Memory is full.

Memory became full during

Check the pages that have not been

Cannot scan

Parallel Memory Transmission.

sent using the Communication Re-

more. Transmis-


sult Report, and then resend those

sion will be












If the “Check whether there are any network problems.” message ap- pears, the machine is not correctly connected to the network or the settings of


the machine are not correct. If you do not need to connect to a network, you

can specify the setting so this message is not displayed, and then the {Facsim-

ile} key no longer lights. See “Parameter Settings”, General Settings Guide. If you reconnect the machine to the network, be sure to set “Display” with User Parameters.

If the paper tray runs out of paper, “No paper. Load it. then press [Ex- it].” appears on the display, asking you to add more paper. If there is paper left in the other trays, you can receive documents as usual, even if the mes- sage appears on the display. You can turn this function on or off with “Param- eter Setting”. See “Parameter Settings”, General Settings Guide.


“Connecting to the Ethernet Interface”, General Settings Guide

“File Transfer”, General Settings Guide

“IP-Fax Settings”, General Settings Guide

“Parameter Settings”, General Settings Guide