RS232 Encoder Command Set

Set/Reset Encoder Counters and Destination Registers


Set one or both counters to zero or a user-defined value. The value is a signed 32 bit num- ber that may range from -2,147,836,648 to +2,147,836,647 (Hexadecimal format of value 80000000 to 7FFFFFFF respectively.

While resetting is a single step command, setting the counters to a non-zero value requires two steps: 1- load a 4 byte buffer (32-bit) with the desired value. 2- Transfer the buffer’s content to the counter(s). Loading the buffer can be done using the commands described in “Read / Modify Encoder Module Registers and Parameters” on page 145. The buffer will also be altered after a Counter Read command, in which case it will contain the last read counter value.


!q or !Qn

Where n=

0: Reset Encoder 1 counter


1: Reset Encoder 2 counter


2: Reset both Encoder counters


4: Set Encoder 1 counter with value in buffer


5: Set Encoder 2 counter with value in buffer


6: Set both Encoder both counters with value in buffer


7: Set Encoder 1 destination register with value in buffer


8: Set Encoder 2 destination register with value in buffer


+ if command was properly received and executed


- if an error occurred




Reset both counters


Load value contained in buffer into counter 2

?Q0, followed by



Read counter 1 and copy its value into counter 2

Read Speed


This query will cause the controller to return the speed computed by the Encoder module. The values are signed Hexadecimal numbers ranging from -127 to +127. The -127 value rep- resents the maximum RPM in the reverse direction. +127 represents the maximum RPM in the forward direction. The relation of this relative number and the actual, absolute RPM value depends on the encoder’s resolution and a user programmable Time Base. See “Using the Encoder to Measure Speed” on page 139 for a detailed discussion.


?z or ?Z

Reply:nn mm

Where:nn = speed 1 value

mm= speed 2 value

AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual


Page 143
Image 143
RoboteQ AX2550/2850 Set/Reset Encoder Counters and Destination Registers, Read Speed, RS232 Encoder Command Set, Or !Q n