Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder
Which discs recorded on the DVD Carncorder can be played in
DVD players/recorders/drives?
Discsmust be finalized before they canbe playedin regular DVDplayers/recorders/drives.
Finalizingis a processrequired to make the DVDdiscsyourecordedon the camcorderplayable in DVDplayers/ recorders/drives.
| _ |
| |
D | DVD+R DL | in Video mode | |
, | DVD player | - | DVD player |
• | DVD recorder | • | DVD recorder |
| ||
• | DVD | • |
In VR mode
-DVD player
•DVD recorder
-Youcan play Pack DVD+RW discs on other DVD players/recoraers/anves _!ithoutfinalizing them.
•We are not resoonsibtefor data lOSS on a also.
•You may not Deable Io play alscs recorded from a PC or DVD recorder. When such a case occurs, me message Bad Disc! may Dedlsplayea.
_/e do not warranty any aamage or loss incurred due to recoralng ana ptayback failure caused bj disc or card matfunc[ion
•We take no responsiDllt[yand offer no comDensauonfor any recording failure, toss of recordea or eaaea matenai ana/o[ aamageto tile recorder arlslng from the misuse of discs.
•For stable and perpetual recording aria playback use the TDK. MKM Verbatim disks ma_navethe sign "for VIDEO CAMERA TM"If yOUdon'tuse them. operations for recording and playback may not work properly or you may not eject the inserted disc from the DVD Camcorder.
•You cannot oven_vnte,eaa. or format the fin _lizeddisc. tf needed unfinatize the disc
-it is no[ guaranteed that all DVD players/recorders/drives can play discs finalized in this DVD Camcorder. For compatibility details refer to the DVD players/recorders/drives owner'smanual.
•For more information about the categories of available discs see page 123.