94 Section 2D: Controlling Your Roaming Experience
Checking for Voicemail Messages While Roaming
When you are roaming off the Nationwide SprintPCS
Network, you may notreceive on-phone notification of new
voicemail messages. Callers can still leave messages, butyou
will need to periodically check your voicemail for new
messages if you are in a roaming service area for an extended
period of time.
To check your voicemail while roaming:
䊳Dial 1+area code+your SprintPCS Phone Number.
When you return to the Nationwide SprintPCS Network,
voicemail notification will resume as normal.
SettingYour Phone’s Roam ModeYour SprintPCS Vision Phone allows you to control your
roaming capabilities. By using the Roamingmenu option, you
can determine which signals your phone accepts.
Choose from three differentsettings on your dual-band/tri-
mode phone to control your roaming experience.
To setyour phone’s roam mode:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectSettings and press .
3. SelectRoaming and press .
4. SelectSet Mode and press .
5. Selectan option from the following and press .