Section 2A: Your SprintPCS Phone – The Basics 19
Features of Your SprintPCS PhoneCongratulations on the purchase of your SprintPCS Vision
Phone VI-2300 by Sanyo. This phone is lightweight, easy-to-
use, and reliable, and italso offers many significantfeatures
and service options. The following listpreviews some of those
features and options and provides page numbers where you
can find outmore:
䢇Dual-band/tri-mode capability allows you to make and
receive calls while on the Nationwide SprintPCS Network
and to roam on other analog and 800 and 1900 MHz
digital networks where Sprinthas implemented roaming
agreements (page 91).
䢇SprintPCS Vision provides access to the wireless Internet
in digital mode (page 211).
䢇Email (page 222) and SMS TextMessaging (page 196)
provide quick and convenienttextmessaging capabilities.
䢇SprintPCS Voice CommandSMlets you dial phone numbers
by speaking someone’s name or the digits of their phone
number (page 247).
䢇Games, ringers, screen savers, and other applications can
be downloaded to your phone to make your SprintPCS
Vision Phone as unique as you are (page 228).
䢇The built-in organizer lets you schedule alerts to remind
you of importantevents (page 123).
Phone Basics