Section 2H: Using the Phone’s Scheduler and Tools 139
Using the Stop WatchTo startthe stop watch:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectTools/Extrasand press .
3. SelectStop Watchand press .
䡲Press Start(leftsoftkey) to start the stop watch
䡲Press Stop(leftsoftkey) to stop the stop watch
䡲Press Resume(leftsoftkey) to start the stop watch
operation again.
To record a lap time while the stop watch is running:
䡲Press Lap(rightsoftkey) to record time of firstlap.
䡲Press Lap(rightsoftkey) again to record nextlap.
(You may continue this until lap 5.)
To display the stop watch options:
1. During stop watch operation, press Options(right
2. To selectan option, highlightit and press .
䡲Go to Lap Listto display a saved Lap List. Press Detail
(leftsoftkey) to display the lap listdetail or press
Options(right softkey) for further options.
䡲EditTitleto edit the current lap list’s title.
䡲Erase Thisto erase an individual Lap List.
䡲Erase Allto erase all existing Lap Lists.
䡲Save to Lap Listto save the recorded lap times.
䡲Resetto resetthe time to zero and clear any recorded
lap times.
Scheduler & Tools