Section 2J: Using SprintPCS Ready Link 167
1. Press R-Link(leftsoftkey) or press .
2. Press Go to(leftsoftkey), highlight Enter R-Link#and
press .
3. Enter the SprintPCS Ready Link number you wantto dial.
4. Follow steps 2-4 above.
Note:SprintPCS Ready Link numbers must contain 10 digits (area code +
phone number) or 11 digits (1 + area code + phone number). Your SprintPCS
Ready Link number is the same as your SprintPCS Phone number.
Missed Call Notificationfor SprintPCS
Ready Link Calls
When an incoming SprintPCS Ready Link call is notanswered,
the Missed Call Notification is displayed on your screen.
To call the lastMissed SprintPCS Ready Link call:
Simply press while the Missed Call Notification is
displayed. (Continue with the SprintPCS Ready Link call
as described previously.)
To display the Missed Ready Link Call Log:
Press View(leftsoftkey). To call the entry, highlightthe
entry you wantto call, and press and hold .
(Continue with the PCS Ready Link call as described
Note:When you display Missed Calls entries, you will see the icon next
to the name. Once you confirm the entry by pressing , the icon turns to
the icon. The icon will remain until you make or receive a SprintPCS
Ready Link call to or from the entry.
SprintPCS Ready Link