Section 1A: Setting Up Service 7
Getting HelpVisitwww.sprint.com
You can go online to:
䢇Access your accountinformation
䢇Check your minutes used (depending on your
SprintPCS Service Plan)
䢇View and pay your bill
䢇Make your life easier by enrolling in Online Invoicing and
Automatic Payment
䢇Purchase accessories
䢇Shop for the latestSprintPCS Phones
䢇View available SprintPCS Service Plans and options
䢇Learn more aboutSprintPCS Vision and other great
products like SprintPCS Picture MailSM, games, ringers,
screen savers, and more
Reaching SprintCustomer Service
You can reach SprintCustomer Service many differentways:
䢇Dial on your SprintPCS Phone
䢇Sign on to your accountatwww.sprint.com
䢇Call us toll-free at1-888-211-4727(Consumer customers)
or 1-888-788-4727(Business customers)
䢇Write to us atSprintCustomer Service, P.O. Box 8077,
London, KY 40742
Setting Up Service