Section 2D: Controlling Your Roaming Experience 95
allows you to access the Nationwide
SprintPCS Network only and prevents roaming on
other networks.
Automaticseeks SprintPCS Service. When Sprint PCS
Serviceis unavailable, the phone searches for an
alternate system.
Roaming Onlyforces the phone to seek a roaming
system. The previous setting (SprintOnly or
Automatic) is restored the nexttime the phone is
turned on.
Controlling Roaming Charges Using Call Guard
Your phone has two ways of alerting you when you are
roaming off the Nationwide SprintPCS Network: the onscreen
roaming icon and Call Guard. Call Guard makes iteasy to
manage your roaming charges by requiring an extra step
before you can place or answer a roaming call. (This additional
step is notrequired when you make or receive calls while on
the Nationwide SprintPCS Network.)
To turn Call Guard on or off:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectSettings and press .
3. SelectRoaming and press .
4. SelectCall Guard and press .
5. SelectOn or Offand press .