Section 3B: SprintPCS Vision 213
Updating Your User Name
When you change the programmed User Name and selecta
new one, you have to update your User Name through your
SprintPCS Phone.
To update your User Name:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectSettings and press .
3. SelectPCS Vision and press .
4. SelectUpdate Profile and press .
If you wantto cancel, press while processing.
Finding Your User Name
If you aren’tsure whatyour Sprint PCS Vision User Name is,
you can easily find itonline or on your SprintPCS Vision Phone.
To find your User Name: on to your accountusing your
SprintPCS Phone Number and password. To view your
SprintPCS Vision User Name, click on the My Personal
Informationmenu and then click PCS Vision User Name.
On your Phone.To find your User Name, access your
phone’s main menu, go to Settings> Phone Info>
Phone#/User ID.
SprintPCS Vision