238 Section 3B: SprintPCS Vision
WebExploring the Web
With Web access on your SprintPCS Vision Phone, you can
browse full-color graphic versions of your favorite Websites,
making iteasier than ever to stay informed while on the go.
Follow sports scores and breaking news and weather and
shop on your SprintPCS Vision Phone anywhere on the
Nationwide SprintPCS Network.
In addition to the features already covered in this section, the
SprintPCS Vision home page offers access to these colorful,
graphically rich Web categories. Many sites are available
under more than one menu – choose the one that’s most
convenientfor you.
䢇News.Get up-to-the-minute news regarding finance,
business, sports, and entertainmentatsites like
CNNtoGo, Bloomberg, USA Today, and ABCNews.
䢇Weather.Access The Weather Channel to getcurrent
weather conditions and forecasts.
䢇Entertainment.Get the latest buzz on your favorite stars as
well as movie and music reviews atWebsites like E!
Online, PocketBoxOfficeTM, and TastNtalk.
䢇Sports.Enjoy current news, statistics, and sports scores, as
well as updates of events in progress atESPN.com and
other sports sites.
䢇My Account.Check minutes and SprintPCS Vision usage,
view your currentinvoice, or make a payment.