156 Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services
Selecting an Announcementfor Screen CallTo selecta Screen Call announcement:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectTools/Extrasand press .
3. SelectVoice Servicesand press .
4. SelectScreen Call and press .
5. SelectAnnouncement and press .
6. Depending on your preference, highlightPre-Recordedor
Customand press .
Recording Your Namefor a Pre-RecordedAnnouncementYou can use a pre-recorded announcementwith or without
your name. If you record your name, your phone uses your
name recording to announce thatyou are notavailable to
answer the call.
To record your name:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectTools/Extrasand press .
3. SelectVoice Servicesand press .
4. SelectScreen Call and press .
5. SelectAnnouncement and press .
6. SelectPre-Recordedand press Edit (right softkey).