Section 2J: Using SprintPCS Ready Link 181
5. SelectAlerts and press .
6. SelectReady Link Callsor R-Link Missed and press .
7. Use the navigation key to selectOnce, RepeatAlert for
Ready Link Calls or Once, RepeatAlert, or Offfor R-Link
8. Press to save the setting.
Tip:You can setalerts in another way (see “AlertNotification”on page 58).
Setting the Speakerphonefor Sprint PCS
Ready Link Calls
You can setthe speakerphone on or off when a SprintPCS
Ready Link call is activated. By default, the speakerphone is set
to on.
To setthe speakerphone on or off:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. SelectSettings and press .
3. SelectReady Link and press .
4. SelectSpeakerphone and press .
5. SelectOn or Offand press .
Note:If the phone’s ringer volume is setto Vibrate, Ringer off, or Silence All,
the speakerphone turns off. Press to turn the speakerphone mode on.
SprintPCS Ready Link