170 Section 2J: Using SprintPCS Ready Link
Saving aSprint PCS Ready Link NumberWhen you have finished a SprintPCS Ready Link call, you will
see the SprintPCS Ready Link number and the text“R-Link call
ended.”on the display. If the number is already stored in the
Personal Lists, the Savesoftkey does notappear.
To save the number from the end call display:
1. From the end display, press Save(rightsoftkey).
2. Enter a name and press .
3. Press Save(leftsoftkey).
4. Press Yes(left softkey).
Finding an Entry in the SprintPCS Ready Link ListYou can find your desired entry by entering a few letters.
To find a SprintPCS Ready Link entry:
1. Press R-Link(leftsoftkey) or press .
2. Press Go to(leftsoftkey), highlightyour desired list
(Company List, Company Groups, Personal List, or Personal
Groups), and press .
3. Enter the firstletter or the first few letters of the name.
䡲The display shows the listbeginning with the
letter(s) you entered.
4. Scroll through the listand press to selec t your desired