1Correction of the last entry (direct void)
If you make an incorrect entry relating to a department, PLU/subdepartment, percentage (°through ¥), deduction
Example | Key operation |
1250 6
2 §
250 © 6
2Correction of the
With the ?key, you can void any incorrect positive department or PLU/subdepartment entry made during a transaction if you find it before finalizing the transaction (e.g. pressing the ;key). This function is applicable to plus department and PLU/subdepartment entries only.
Example | Key operation |
Correction of a department entry Correction of a PLU entry (direct PLU) Correction of a PLU entry (indirect PLU)
1310 6
1755 7
10 §
58 §
825 7
1310 ? 6
? ™
58? §