Calculation examples

Conversion function












The Organizer can be used to perform conversions between











different currencies and units of length, area, volume, mass,











temperature and energy. There are 3 conversion index groups.





















The first index group comprises eight currency conversion











screens in which you can set and edit the exchange rates





















yourself. The other two index groups have preset conversion











factors so conversion can be performed right away.











Changing the currency rate











1. Press [CALC/CONV] twice until the Conversion index





















display appears. Select the desired item and press











[ENTER] to confirm.

















































































































6 . 2 5






































For example, you want to set one Canadian dollar equal to

0.45 pounds Sterling:

2. Press [EDIT] in order to change the rate.


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Image 53
Sharp Z&650, ZQ-640 Calculation examples, Factors so conversion can be performed right away, Changing the currency rate