

Gigaset 2011 Comfort, GBR: A30852-X1106-B307-1-

Input function

Example: field boundaries

If you enter characters in fields that are already fully as- signed (16 in the Name field and 32 in the Contents field), the last character in the relevant field is shifted to the right and thereby lost.

Smih - Macallister



< > X W



For example, in the case of the double-barrel name Smith-Macallister, if the missing “t” is in- serted in Smith, the last “r” of Macallister will dis- appear.


< >


If, in this example, the last “e” were to be replaced by an “l”, the entry mark would have to be set to this place be- cause the next place is in the second line and does not be- long to the Name field.

Entering letters, special characters, and digits





The Contents fields are reserved for entering digits (e.g. call numbers). An additional menu W is available for entering special characters (e.g. pause).

To make entries in the Name field, use the digit keys as an alphanumeric keypad. The letters are assigned to the digit keys in groups of three or four. Special characters, such as é, ö, ñ etc. are entered by pressing the key for the relevant letter group several times. To enter a space, full stop, and hyphen, press the 0 digit key.

:You can shift from lower case to upper case by pressing the “*“ key. The shift will apply to one character, after which the default lower case setting is restored

a, b, c, d....x, y, z Depending on the position of the digit key, letters are in-

put by briefly pressing the key (less than 1 second). For example, if you wish to enter the letter “r”, you must press the 7key three times in succession, as “r” is the third letter assigned to this key.

For example, for key 1, press the following keys re- peatedly: "ä", "ö", "ü", "ß", "1", ",".


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Siemens 2011 operating instructions Entering letters, special characters, and digits, Example field boundaries, 123 789